Το τρέχον σχολικό έτος η Γ Γυμνασίου σε συνεργασία με την καθηγήτρια των Αγγλικών κυρία Καυκιά υλοποιούν το eTwinning πρόγραμμα, “Humans of Europe”, Συμμετέχουν σχολεία από την Γαλλία, Κροατία, Βέλγιο, Ιταλία, Νορβηγία, Ρουμανία και Τουρκία. Ο στόχος του προγράμματος είναι να δείξει την ποικιλομορφία που υπάρχει στις χώρες της Ευρώπης σε διάφορους τομείς. Το πρόγραμμα είναι εμπνευσμένο από το διάσημο best seller βιβλίο “Humans of NY”.

- This is a Greek young dentist, Marisa, who lives in Paris, France. Like so many Greek young educated people due to the economic crisis in Greece she has gone to another country to earn a living. She grew up and went to school in Serres, where her family still lives. As a high school student she had very high grades and then she studied dentistry at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She is very happy because she has a job she loves. While working as a dentist she also is a post graduate student. 2. A typical example of a Greek citizen is my cousin, Basilis, 30 years old. He was born and he grew up in Serres. He is a doctor. He studied, in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He wants to offer to humanity and alleviate human suffering. Ηe works daily during this pandemic, he can only relax on Sunday. His favourite sport is basketball which he watches when he returns from work to let go of all the stress of work. 3. Stefanos Tsitsipas was born on 12 August 1998. He is a Greek professional tennis player. He is the youngest player ranked in the top 10 by the Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP) and has a career-high ranking of No. 5 in the world, making him the highest-ranked Greek player in history. Born into a tennis family Tsitsipas was introduced to the sport at age three and began taking lessons at age six. As a junior, he was ranked No. 1 in the world. He is a hard working young Greek, a positive model and an inspiration to youngsters. Hard work always pays off. 4. Constantinos Daskalakis was born on 29 April 1981 in Athens. He is a Greek theoretical computer scientist. He is a professor at MIT’s Electrical Engineering and Computer Science department and a member of the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. He has won many prizes and awards. He completed his undergraduate studies in the National Technical University of Athens, where in 2004 he received his Diploma in Electrical and Computer Engineering. As an undergraduate, Daskalakis attained perfect scores in all but one of his classes, something which had not previously been achieved in the university’s history. 5. This is Stergios Vakoulis. He is 41 years old and lives with his family in Agio Pnevma, a village some kilometers away from Serres. He grew up in Pireaus, but then came back because of his love for his place of origin and due to the fact that he wanted to raise a family away from the big city he lived in, Pireaus. He has studied topographic applications, however, he works as a bank clerk and as a second job he is a traditional dance teacher. What made him want to teach traditional dances is that his love for traditional dancing made him want to pass it on to other people. He has 3 children, 2 girls and 1 boy. 6. My mum is my inspiration. Her name is Christina, mother of two and a wife. She manages to take care of me, my brother, my dad and our house when she comes back from work totally exhausted. She works at a plant nursery from January to June since 2017, all week except Sunday, for 10 hours straight. Something decisive that happened to my mum was 16 years ago, when her father died while she was pregnant at me. This made her more mature, sensitive, affectionate, take even more care of my grandmother and lastly mentally stronger. 7. This is my grandmother, Kalliopi Vlachou, 65 years old, who lives in Chryso, Serres Greece. She is married with Christos Vlachos and has three kids. She spent her childhood in Pagoneri, Drama Greece. They had difficult years with no electricity and water. The weather in Pagoneri for most months was cold. They pickled the food and hung it in the warehouse because they did not have a refrigerator. They had animals and got from them almost all their food. When she was about 14 years old, her parents decided to leave for Germany. In 1977, when she came for a vacation back to Greece, she met her husband and got married. 8. Mariana Vardinogianni is a Greek Goodwill Ambassador of UNESCO on issues related to the rights and protection of children as well as cultural heritage. She visualized and created the first bone marrow transplant unit in Greece the first oncology Children’s Hospital in Greece which receives the 80% of childhood cancer cases in Greece. Thanks to this work more than nine hundred children were offered a new chance at life and more than 2,000 families from around Greece found warmth and hospitality at Elpida’s guest house. 9. Father Antonios Papanikolaou is a vicar and founder of the “Ark of the World”. In one of the most degraded areas of Athens that is his parish, he saw children who frequented squares instead of being at school, while they and their families were always in need. He approached them through basketball and acceptance, and gained their acceptance and, step by step, their trust. “For me, the Ark is God’s plan which pre-existed… God has blessed this task and we go on with His help”. “Love devises ways and knows no borders or terms”.